Friday, January 31, 2020

Targeting Teenagers Essay Example for Free

Targeting Teenagers Essay When taking a look around at the night life of any city of the western culture we may come to a conclusion that pubs and party places are stuffed with under aged children below 20 or even 18. These kids need more energy to survive the rush of the nightlife therefore it is not unusual to see them drinking energy drinks – or even mixing it with alcoholic beverages. Do the producers and marketers of such energy drinks like Red Bull or Monster think of the unhealthy effects of these drinks on adolescents? A perception can be made that such beverages are highly effecting and endangering the health of their consumers – teenagers and adults – however, their producers are targeting at the most vulnerable and willing to spend audience – the teenagers of the western cosmopolitan cities. The long term goal of producers and marketers of energy drinks is not less but to own as high percentage of the market share as possible, using any kinds of marketing tools, without taking into consideration ethics and the health risks caused by energy drinks. Health Effects. It is a well-known fact that energy drinks such as Red Bull or Monster contain ingredients that could be harmful not only for teens but for adults as well in the long run. According to pharmaceutical studies of Clauson et al. (2008) ginseng, taurine, guarana, bitter orange, and caffeine – key ingredients of energy drinks – may interact with each other in a way that can cause symptoms varying from headache, insomnia, high blood-pressure, stroke, or even heart attack. Various sources from the Internet show evidence that teenagers‘ health was harmed after consuming energy drinks. In Colorado Springs, several high school students last year became ill after drinking Spike Shooter, a high caffeine drink, prompting the principal to ban the beverages. In March, four middle school students in Broward County, Florida, went to the emergency room with heart palpitations and sweating after drinking the energy beverage Redline. (Parker-Pope, 2008) ‘Three years ago, Ross Cooney, 18, from Ireland, died after he shared four cans of Red Bull and played in a basketball match. ‘ (Nordqvist, 2004). In the mean time it must be mentioned that not only the ingredients can be harmful and risky for the teenage consumers but the lack of responsibility during drinking energy drinks plays an important role as well. While adults are – or should be – able to keep their limits, teenagers act in the most unexpected ways. ‘But the biggest worry is how some teens use the drinks. Some report downing several cans in a row to get a buzz, and a new study found a surprising number of poison ­center calls from young people getting sick from too much caffeine. ‘ (Johnson, 2006). Other sources underline that another factor effecting adolescents is strongly in connection with their behaviour. Energy drinks may negatively affect those teenagers, who are more aggressive by nature, ‘High consumption of energy drinks is associated with toxic jock behavior, a constellation of risky and aggressive behaviors including unprotected sex, substance abuse and violence. ‘ (Parker-Pope, 2008) Based on the above risk factors and several other additional ones numerous countries and states have already banned – or attempted to ban energy drinks, however, they were not able to sustain the state of rejection for a longer time span. For instance France, Denmark and Norway have banned Red Bull for a certain amount of time – the ban was upheld by the European Court mainly because the caffeine levels were considered to be safe and negative effects of other ingredients were not supported. The European Union enforced Red Bull and other energy drink providers to warn their consumers of the high caffeine content (Nordqvist, 2004). In the United States there have been several attempts as well to ban energy drinks – to protect adolescents, but the law does not make any restrictions possible. Energy drinks, which are classified as dietary supplements, are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That means they dont have to follow the same strict limits that the FDA places on potentially harmful ingredients such as caffeine (a primary component of energy drinks) that soda makers must follow. (Park, 2011) Based on the above studies a conclusion can be made that even though energy drinks contain ingredients that can be harmful if consumed un-responsibly, the level of ingredients are still considered to be safe. Teenagers must be taught that consumption of such beverages should be kept below a certain limit or should be avoided. Attracting Teenagers Why is it so attractive for teenagers to consume Red Bull, Hell, Burn, Monster, or any other energy drinks? Most probably because these drinks are considered to be the drink of popular, young, successful people – mostly sportsmen. Goodman’s video about The Merchants of cool (2001) describes this situation clearly – being cool is essential to teenagers to be in the spotlight. Marketing cool became very popular these days, due to the well known fact that teenagers of metropolitan cities tend to use – eat, drink, wear – whatever they believe is cool and in the mean time their parents are willing to pay for these items. In the sudden a product becomes mass or becomes un-cool according to these teenagers, they are not willing to purchase them anymore. The teenagers who are willing to pay for the products represent a strong and rich audience. Therefore marketers should keep this in front of their eyes when designing new marketing strategies, mostly when talking about brands that tend to target the teenagers. If we take a look at what the energy drink brands represent, it is visible that they are either committed sponsors of extreme sports, other popular sports, (Ho, 2006) or position themselves in the centre of leisure and parties (Arlidge, 2004). This certainly is cool amongst adolescents. It can be stated that Red Bull, Monster, or other beverages are the representatives of cool. Which cool teenager would not like snow boarding, skate boarding, monster trucks, air shows, Formula-1, cross motors, car racing or any other dangerous extreme sport like skydiving? (Helm, 2005) Therefore these producers target teenage buyers exactly they way they should be targeted. Does this seem unfair, or is this an example of perfect targeting? It must me mentioned that these energy drinks give the message to teens never to rest and always do something – to be always on the move. Today a usual American watches television approximately 4 hours 45 minutes per day (Shea et al. 2010, p. 165) hours per day. By the age an average teenager reaches the age of 21 he or she has watched more than 20 000 hours of television already. Most teenagers use the Internet throughout the day, however, only 28% of them looks for fitness and health tips (Oblinger, 2005). It is also stated that over 155 million children are overweight world wide, similarly in the United States and in the European Union, approximately 35% of adolescents are considered to be overweight or obese. (Shea et al. 2010, p. 166) Red Bull spends annually billions of dollars on not only sponsoring sports, but also building its own sports teams (Ho, 2006). Varying from numerous different sport categories, Red Bull attracts millions of teenagers towards these sports. For instance skate boarders Ryan Sheckler, Zered Bassett, Joey Brezinski, or Nick Dompierre are well known endorsers of Red Bull. They have millions of fans worldwide and hundreds of teenagers started skate boarding because of them. We can mention thousands of examples where an energy drink brand sponsored sport idol became the hero of teenagers. Because of these idols teenagers later on started doing sports instead of just sitting at home. Should parents thank Red Bull or Monster for doing this? Red Bull can easily reach its target audience through showing them how popular and trendy it is to drink their beverages. In the mean time they give the message to teenagers never to rest, and to do some sports, therefore they can become the cool and popular actors of their environment. Etical Behaviour After seeing what product Red Bull offers to teenagers, and knowing how these adolescents are reached, it is essential to take into consideration whether marketing tools of energy drink providers are ethical or not. The American Marketing Association clearly defines what is considered to be ethical from marketing point of view, however, it must be mentioned that acting ethically is always relative, it depends on the values and norms what a certain individual, or what the society tends to understand as ethical. American Marketing Association states that norms are the following: do not harm; foster trust in the marketing system; embrace ethical values; while ethical values are: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency, citizenship (American Marketing Association, n. d.). Let us take a look at these one by one through the actions of Red Bull. Do not harm: ‘This means consciously avoiding harmful actions or omissions by embodying high ethical standards and adhering to all applicable laws and regulations in the choices we make. ‘ (American Marketing Association, n. d. ) We have seen that even though we cannot state clearly that energy drinks are harmful for teenagers, they could have negative effects if they are consumed un-responsibly. Red Bull strongly covers its decisions of the ingredients of beverages through a legal perspective. Currently the amount of caffeine and taurine are below the unhealthy limits, therefore Red Bull cannot be questioned from legal point of view. On the other hand if we take a look at a can of Red Bull it is not described clearly how many milligrams of caffeine or taurine could or should be consumed per day, or how many cans of energy drink can an adult drink without risking his or her health. Just like on the package of cigarettes or alcoholic beverages it should be mentioned in a visible, obvious way that drinking more than one can of energy drink per day could have harmful effects on health. Red Bull does not harm its buyers, however, the consumers should be educated more about the beverage. In return for this action Red Bull could be representing the care towards consumers. Foster trust in the marketing system: This means striving for good faith and fair dealing so as to contribute toward the efficacy of the exchange process as well as avoiding deception in product design, pricing, communication, and delivery of distribution (American Marketing Association, n. d. ). Red Bull communicates towards customers that their drinks will ‘Give you wings‘. They position themselves in the centre of extreme sports and parties where extra energy is essential. The picture they have built throughout the years is representing values of the company in an obvious, clear, and fair way. When we take a look at the price of a can of Red Bull it also represents that this beverage somehow stands out from other non-alcoholic drinks such as Coke or Sprite (Helm, 2005). Therefore they clearly give the message that this drink is something special and should be consumed only when the human body needs extra energy and wants to be on the top. Embrace ethical values: ‘This means building relationships and enhancing consumer confidence in the integrity of marketing by affirming these core values: honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency and citizenship. ‘ (American Marketing Association, n. d. ) Red Bull’s target audience is the male population, from teenagers to 25-30 year old adults (Helm, 2005), however, when looking at teenagers, those who really purchase – or pay for – the drinks are mostly their parents, of which Red Bull is confident, therefore they should give a message to the parents as well about honesty, responsibility, fairness, etc. Right now – according to previous studies of this paper – parents are the ones who trust the least these energy drinks and are scared of its negative effects on their teen children. Red Bull is honest, since what they state is true. Their beverage contains a high amount of taurine and caffeine that gives more energy and ‘wings‘. On the other hand it is hard to say they are responsible. They do not focus on telling their teen consumers that the drink can be harmful, and in the mean time they drag the adolescents to dangerous extreme sports. These surely will not win the trust of parents. Red Bull and other energy drink providers should win the trust of parents by either not letting teenagers drink their beverages, or create a certain type of drink that is – even if consumed un-responsibly – cannot have any negative effect on adolescents. All in all Red Bull’s actions of marketing are legally covered and they cannot be mentioned as an unethical company, however, certain restrictions and actions would make them appear in a much more positive scene. Conclusion and Recommendations We have come to the final conclusion that energy drinks contain ingredients that can be harmful for consumers – teens, adolescents, or adults – however; they are endangering health only if they are consumed irresponsibly. It is truly visible that the target audience of the highly caffeinated drinks are male adolescents (age 18-25), who tend to use more energy, or show the society how popular and cool they are. Sources have underlined that energy drinks are consumed by even younger teenagers, whose drinking habits may become dangerous, since they do not tend to focus on the healthy consumption of energy drinks. Red Bull and other similar beverage providers should put more focus on teenagers and provide them more details on how the energy drinks should be consumed. Marketers of Red Bull and other energy drinks focus obviously on gaining the highest market share possible, however, they are keeping all the necessary limits to be legally covered. Besides the possible unhealthy effects of the beverages these firm focus on sponsoring sports, which can help the health of teenagers in the long run, and attract them towards sports. The more they can effect teenagers to start doing some sports, the more helpful they can get for parents – therefore the presence of energy drinks on the market causes controversies. To avoid confrontation with parents in the future energy drink producers should focus more on educating consumers how to drink their beverages, and state clearly on the cans the ingredients of their products. The best possible solution would be to mention on the packaging visibly that teenagers below 18 should not consume energy drinks, or to create a product for younger teens that can be consumed without limits, at any time of the day. List of References American Marketing Association (n. d. ). Statement of Ethics. Available at: http://www. marketingpower. com/AboutAMA/Pages/Statement%20of%20Ethics. aspx (Accessed: 1 November 2011) Arlidge, J. (2004). How Red Bull woke up the teen market. The Guardian, 5 December [Online]. Available at: http://www. guardian. co. uk/media/2004/dec/05/advertising. formulaone (Accessed: 31 October 2011) Clauson et al. (2008). Safety issues associated with commercially available energy drinks. Pharmacy Today 14 (5), pp. 52–59. Conway, C. (2011). A Sports Marketing Success Story. Available at: http://www. sportsnetworker. com/2011/03/08/a-sports-marketing-success-story/ (Accessed: 29 October 2011) Helm, B. (2005). Energy Drinks Build Their Buzz. Bloomberg Businessweek, 5 January [Online]. Available at: http://www. businessweek. com/smallbiz/content/jan2005/sb2005015_8196_sb017. htm (Accessed: 29 October 2011) Ho, M. (2006). For Red Bull, Its Here, There and Everywhere. The Washington Post, 23 August [Online]. Available at: http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08/22/AR2006082201516. html (Accessed: 28 October 2011) Merchants of Cool, The (2001). Directed by Barak Goodman [DVD]. A Report on the Creators Marketers of Popular Culture for Teenagers. s. l. , PBS Nordqvist, C. (2004). French ban on Red Bull (drink) upheld by European Court. Available at: http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/releases/5753. php (Accessed: 29 October 2011) Oblinger, D. G. (2005). Educating the Net Generation. s. l. , s. n. Olson, J. (2011) For some kids, drinks can pack a risky punch. Star Tribune, 13 February [Online]. Available at: http://www. startribune. com/lifestyle/wellness/116136804. html (Accessed: 1 November 2011) Park, A. (2011). Energy Drinks May Harm Health, Especially for Children. The Time, 14 February [Online]. Available at: http://healthland. time. com/2011/02/14/energy-drinks-may-harm-health/#ixzz1cRphxGJE (Accessed: 28 October 2011) Parker-Pope, T. (2008). Energy drinks linked to risky behavior among teenagers. The New York Times, 27 May [Online]. Available at: http://www. nytimes. com/2008/05/27/health/27iht-27well. 13247828. html (Accessed: 28 October 2011) Sarasalin, K. , Watthanachai T. (2009). The internationalization process of Red Bull from the perspectives of global expansion. Master Thesis. Malardalen University. Shea B. , Harvey-Berino J. , Johnson R. (2010). Watching television: how does it influence the dietary quality of children?. Nutrition Bulletin 35(2) pp. 165-171. Academic Search Complete [Online]. Available at: http://web. ebscohost. com (Accessed: 1 November 2011) Sonneville K. , Gortmaker S. (2008). Total energy intake, adolescent discretionary behaviors and the energy gap. International Journal Of Obesity 32 (19-27). Academic Search Complete [Online]. Available at: http://web. ebscohost. com (Accessed: 1 November 2011).

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Enviornmental Catastrophes :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many people throughout the world deal with environmental destruction. Whether it is natural or man created, both end in sudden calamities.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of a natural catastrophe is the 1997 Red River Flood in Grand Forks, North Dakota. One of the unique aspects of the Red River is that it flows North and empties into the lake Winnepeg in Canada. However, since temperature tends to get colder the farther north you get, ice-jamming is often a concern of the Red River during the spring season. The National Weather Service began putting out warnings as early as February that a flood due to the spring melt was likely to occur. Due to Grand Forks harsh winter that consisted of a cruel blizzard, the amount of snow melts exceeded. In an effort to prevent the flood, the North Dakota National Guard dumped sand on the river in hopes to use the suns’ thermal energy to speed up the thawing and eliminate the ice-jams. Unable to control the excessive water the flood of the century began. On April 18, 1997, the Red River’s water level was at 52.19 ft high and had risen at a rate of an inch each hour follo wing. The flood began to take out areas of the city one by one, and people with what little possessions the could grab had to evacuate immediately. After six days of flooding the river finally began to recede and people were allowed to return. The amount of filth left behind from the flood was incredible. Much of the property had been destroyed and basically everything else had been contaminated by the water. Everything that was washed out by the water turned into trash and many had to start all over again. The post-flood clean up that was taken to the dump totaled 224 million ton, which is usually nine months of garbage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  An example of a man-created catastrophe is the Tragedy of the World Trade Centers. September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on America had a big effect on New York City environment, and the political and emotional landscapes of the United States. This will be remembered as one of the most shocking days in American history. Armed terrorists hijacked four passenger jets and used them as weapons against the U.S.. The attacks destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged the Pentagon and killed three thousand people. The cleanup was a very emotional and strenuous effort by fire fighters, policeman and many volunteers.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Social Media as Marketing Tools-a Case of Coca-Cola

Back ground of Coca-cola Coca-cola started in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886 by Dr. John Stith Pemberton. He was a local Pharmacist. After producing Coca-cola syrup he carried it down to another pharmaceutical store on the street, where it was sampled and pronounced as exceptional. The sales of the drink called Coke thereafter, began. It was not at first sold as bottled drink; rather it was sold from the fountain for five cents a glass. Carbonated water was later combined with the newly discovered syrup to produce the drink known as coca-cola today.Coca-cola is known all over the world for its unique taste which its competitors have not been able to beat. Dr. Pemberton partner with a man called Frank M. Robinson-a bookkeeper- to create the name Coca-cola. After considering the advertising aspect of the product, Robinson came up with the unique name known as â€Å"Coca-cola† today. Coca-cola was first advertised in The Atlanta Journal, through the journal the citizens were in vited to taste â€Å"the new and popular fountain drink†. While the product tasting were ongoing, series of advertising campaigns were also put in place to aggressively promote the newly found drink.The people passing by were invited to try the drink with the hope of passing the message across after tasting. During the first year, the average sales of coca-cola rose to nine drinks per day. Dr. Pemberton never realized the future prospect of the drink he created; therefore, he sold a portion of his business to different partners. In 1888 before his death, he sold the remaining part of Coca-cola to Asa G. Candler-An Atlanta business guru, who later proceeded to buy additional rights and completely took over the operation of Coca-cola (The chronicle of Coca-cola). Coca-cola brand imageCoca-cola is a leading name brand in the carbonated drink industry therefore; the name plays a major role in the sales of the product. With a very strong distribution channel that makes the product s readily available everywhere in the world and a unique brand image that places the product on the mind of it targets audience so much that, Coca-cola becomes an addiction within some quarters. This background knowledge gives Coke the greater opportunity to service a larger geographical population in various capacities (Coca-cola marketing mix 83). Coca-Cola’s brand personality reveals the positioning of its brand.Coca-cola strategically positioned it products in the mind of it targets group that they see the product as part of their daily lives and this strategic brand positioning often plays a major impact in taking decision. The association between the brand and the consumers sometimes result in brand loyalty and invariably makes the purchasing decision easier for the consumers. Coca-cola packaging system remains one of their strengths in the market. Although the bottling of Coca-cola has undergone series of transformation all through the years throughout the world but th e brand remains consistent in its distinctive taste all over the world.In other words, the product remains the same both in taste and packaging globally (Coca-cola marketing mix 83). The age of social media marketing Social media marketing is the process or strategy of using social media websites like, facebook, twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, MySpace etc. to promote a company and its products. Over the years technology has brought about changes in the way we do business. The new age of technology has undoubtedly altered the ways most companies also conduct their business activities. This technology inclined age therefore, makes buying decision easier for the target market segment.Earlier before the advent of social media; media outlet were limited to radio, TV and various print media, this made it easier for the advertiser to reach their â€Å"mass audience† using promotions through these available medium then. The media proliferation gave birth to various media channels which i n turn have allowed consumers to have options when it comes to media usage as a result of modern invention. It is very germane to note at this point, that the media availability really have a sporadic impact on consumers’ behaviors. Such impact include: Interactivity, Customization and Social interaction (Social marketing meet interactive media).The social media network has therefore, becomes so important that it is a must have for any company that wants to be relevant in the 21st century. It has contributed to the development and success of many companies in various ways. The case of Coco-cola is not an exception among the companies who are strategically using the social media marketing tools to draw followers to their brands. According to Jack Yan, The purpose for brands in any social media approach must be to serve the organization both internally and externally†¦ He went further to state the nine goals of social media usage by a brand.Such goals include: * Building a sense of membership or citizenship with the organization * Promoting communication and acceptance of the brand * Encourage the audience to engage in dialogue about the brand * Building positive brand association * Building brand awareness * Acting as a channel through which information about the brand can be obtained * Inform the consumers of the vision behind the brand * Help the organization to maintain a competitive ground * Act as a channel to know if the brand is been properly communicated to the consumers and * Build a perceived quality of the brand (Social medial in branding).Coca-cola effectively combines the above mentioned goals in its social media usage through the huge numbers of followers on its social medial page. Its continuous utilization of social medial marketing tools like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, has undoubtedly given the company an insight into what the consumers are saying about its brand. Coca-cola facebook utilization Facebook is one of the fastest gro wing social networks with over 400 million users all over the world, it has both young and grownups as active users (Facebook: challenges and opportunities for Business communications students).Coca-cola is one of the most popular brands on Facebook along with celebrity artiste icons like Lady Gaga, Rihana and Eminem. Coke has over forty-one million fans (www. facebook. com/cocacola). Coke is the 15ht most popular Facebook page†¦ (usatoday. com) On Facebook, Coca-cola has over 35 million â€Å"like†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦according to Wendy Clark-Coke senior vice president of integrated Marketing, she says†¦Ã¢â‚¬ having all the fans respond to coke is meaningful. This is because; such responses are likely to generate more sales for the brand coke.She went further to lay emphasis on how such colossal responses from the fans on face book are to the advantage of coca-cola (usatoday. com). The nature of the social media networks site deliberately makes it possible to share information among the users. Facebook has a high utility growth and this allows sharing of information among† all friends in one-place solution† achievable (Too many Facebook â€Å"Friends†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦). More so, through its viral distribution of messages, Facebook allows target consumers to pass messages and ads to friends with ease.The online messaging allows comments to be passed on transmitted messages like ads (Viral advertising in social media†¦). Coca-cola understands this behavior, therefore, it virally engaged its targets audience through series of information about its brand. Coca-cola twitter utilization Twitter was introduced in 2006 as a blogging site that permits users to share different kinds of messages online vial medium called tweets (Follow me! Global Marketers’ Twitter use). Through these medium users are able to share messages and comments on various issues going on around them.Twitter has one hundred and sixty million users and send an upward of n inety million message everyday (Twitter as a medium of message). Coca-cola has over five hundred and thirty thousand followers on twitter (Twitter, Inc). These followers are constantly engaging in various topics about the brand coca-cola on the webpage. Through the twitter page consumers are informed about any ongoing promotion and program of Coca-cola. Twitter also stands as one of the avenues through which the consumers get information about any new ads message concerning the brand.The twitter –verse according to Clark, has a profound impact on how coke deal with consumers feedback. Coke monitors the questions posted on Twitter and answers them. Clark says twitter has brought changes to coke customer service approach. More staffs are now been put on twitter’s page to respond to the ongoing traffic demands of the twitter page (usatoday. com). Coca-cola YouTube utilization YouTube is a none-paid for social media website that enables users to upload their videos and sha re them through the internet (Peers or expert? ). It was created in 2005; it has over a 100 million videos per day.This massive number account for 60% of all online videos. The nature of YouTube broadcasting allows the users to share their opinions online concerning the videos they have seen through rating (Social interaction and co-viewing with YouTube: Blending Mass Communication†¦). Coke employs the use of YouTube for advertising purpose through which the viewers can pass comments on their advert. The use of YouTube by Coca-cola gives the viewers the opportunity to view and pass comments on their ads. These commentaries generated helps coke in furthering their creativity when else they plan another advert.The reason has been that such commentaries are not immediately receivable under the traditional TV adverts. Though there are many other sites through which one can upload videos but coca-cola YouTube engagement gives better viewing opportunity in terms of marketing to the l arger audience. A scene from an advertisement provided by coca-cola on YouTube†¦ Result of the brand The social media world has invariably changed the nature of the modern day business approach and it has so far brought so many challenges and success to those brands using them to promote their products at different stages.Coca-cola through the social media utility has been able to generate millions of followers and viewers all over the world. These viewers in turn promote the brand through their spending on Coca-cola brands. Coca-cola has over 2 billion people drinking coke globally. A success story that is linkable to its creative prowess and leveraging with social media network sites like Facebook, twitter and YouTube (Coke’s social media success†¦). Coca-cola through the usage of these media continues to build an empire of loyal followers.Coca-cola having built these enormous followers does not just live them to communicate in isolation, rather the company strate gically put a monitoring body in place that responds to the followers queries and provide immediate response. Wendy Clark in an address recognized that â€Å"social listening† is very important in social media; it is necessary to communicate back to the followers. She said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ forget about the† like† button. It’s all about the â€Å"share†. It’s the most important. She concluded by saying that whatever content the company has to create must be shareable.She shared the story of a man who through immediate response from the Coca-cola twitter’s team went ahead and purchased a Vitamin water drink-an extended brand of Coca-cola (Coca-cola VP Talks†¦). A result oriented communication! Connectivity Coca-cola through it social media connect various groups via online activities. This engagement gives the opportunity to the consumers to share their experiences about the products among themselves. It also allows Co-ca cola to have fe edbacks on how the brand is doing in the market place.These feedbacks help in developing marketing strategies for the brand. From the ongoing, it is certain that Coca-cola social medial presence and engagement with its consumers has not only created awareness and loyalty for the brand; it has also generated increase in sales for the brand through its huge cyber group followers. As a result of its involvement with its followers, the brand is able to connect globally with the consumers at various locations all over the world within a particular circle-the social network.It is therefore, very necessary within this paper to recognize the fact that, social media as a marketing tool plays a significant part in the brand’s ability to reach its target audience. References 1. The chronicle of Coca-cola: Birth of a refreshing idea: Retrieved on 05/02/2012, from http://www. thecoca-colacompany. com/heritage/chronicle_birth_refreshing_idea. html 2. Coca-cola marketing mix 83: Retrieved o n 05/02/2012, from http://www. bilara. hubpage. com/hub/coca-cola-0 3. Coca-cola Fans page: Retrieved on 05/03/2012 from http://www. facebook. com/cocacola 4.Twitter, Inc (us): Retrieved on 05/03/2012 from http://www. coca-cola. com/en/index. html 5. Coke’s media success makes a lot out of little: Retrieved on 05/03/2012 from http://www. millwardbrown. com/global/blog/post/2011-12-19/coke-s-social-media-success-makes-a-lot-out-of-a-little. aspx 6. Coca-cola VP Talks about the keys to social media success: Retrieved on 05/03/2012 from http://www. marketingpilgrim. com/2011/04/coca-cola-vp-talks-about-the-keys-to-social-media-success. html 7. Brandtzaeg, P. , Luders, M. , & Skjetene, J. (2010). Too many Facebook â€Å"friends’?Content sharing and sociability versus the Need for privacy in social Network sites. International Journal of Human-computer interaction, 06-, 26(11/12), 1006-1030. doi: 10. 1080/10447318. 20010. 516719 8. Chu-chuan, C. (2011). Viral Advertising i n social media: Participation in facebook Group & Responses among college-Age users, Journal of Interactive Advertising, 12(10), 30-34 9. Decarie, C. (2010). Facebook: Challeges & Opportunities for Business Communication Students. Business Communication Quarterly, 73(4), 449-452. doi: 10. 1177/1080569910385383 10. Harisdakis, P. , & Hanson, G. 2009). Social Interaction and co-viewing with YouTube: Blending Mass Communication Reception and Social Connection Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, (53(2), 317-335. doi: 10. 1080/08838150908270 11. Hye-Jin P. , Hove, T. , Hyun Ju. , & Mikyyoung, K. (2011). Peer or expert?. International Journal of Advertising 30(1), 161-188. 12. Hill, R. P. , & Moran, N. (2011). Social marketing meets interactive media. International Journal of Advertising. 30(5), 815-838. doi. 10. 2501/IJA-30-5-815-838. 13. Kwon ES & Sung, Young Jun (2011), Follow me! Global markers ‘Twitter’ Use.Journal of Interactive Advertising, 12 (10), 4-16. 14. S avage, N. (2011). Twitter as medium and message communication of The ACM, 54(3), 18-20. doi: 10. 1145. 1897860. 15. Yan, J. (2011). Social media in branding: Fulfilling a need. Journal of Branding Management, 18(9), 688-698. doi: 10. 1057/bm. 2011. 19 Abstract The social media group is very relevant in the modern day marketing strategy, it is very crucial for any brand that wants to be successful in today’s marketing operation to fully utilize the numerous advantages associated with this viral tool in marketing communications.This paper examines the results of, and the utilization of three social media tools by Coca-cola to connect, and create awareness among its target audience. The strategic use of these social media tools-Facebook, Twitter and YouTube eventually leads to more sales for Coca-cola brand. Table of contents Background history of Coca-cola———————————————â₠¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-i Coca-cola brand image—————————————————————-ii The

Monday, January 6, 2020

Ethical Issues Professional Codes For Marketing Activities...

Assessment Part 1: Identity ethical issues professional codes for marketing activities. Identify 4 national and local government legislation and regulations and accurately describe in term of social and ethical implications and obligations for marketing activities. I would like to take an example of coca cola Company to clarify government rules and regulations in terms of social and ethical implications and obligations for marketing activities. Coca-Cola product was invented in 1886. The Coca-Cola Company also produces various kinds of other soft drinks including Fantail and Sprite. Fantail was originally an orange flavored soft drink. It has also available in many different flavors such as grape, peach, grapefruit, apple, and pineapple and strawberry. Description of marketing activity carried out by the business Title of local or rational government Legislation in New Zealand Reason why this Legislation will have to be adhered to coca cola in New Zealand Product safety and quality programs: The program ensure the high standards, product quality, safety, health and environmental standards across entire coca cola system Fair Trading Act 1986 Public Health Safety Act Products are always tested in modern laborites. Therefore, measure key product and package quality attributes by focusing on ingredients and materials, samples collected from the trade as well. Nutrition information: It is company s responsibility to provide fact base nutrition information. SoShow MoreRelatedEssay on Codes of Practice1513 Words   |  7 PagesEthics and values apply to our personal and professional lives. Ethics are a notion of one’s actions, which originates from ideology of an individual doing what is right not wrong. According to the dictionary ethics is the â€Å"branch of philosophy dealing with values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of such actions.† These beliefs are amassed to help a person determine how their actions willRead MoreThe Ethical Marketing Strategy Of Pharmaceutical Advertising1451 Words   |  6 Pagesof the ethical issues associated with this marketing strategy? Pharmaceutical advertisements has been the subject of deliberation for more than a century. Pharmaceutical advertising and marketing make up a la rge fragment of the activities of pharmaceutical corporations. These publications can be extremely informative as long as they are analytically evaluated. However, the data enclosed in promotional material may be scant or erroneous. 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Throughout the centuries people were trying to choose between profit and moral. Perhaps, some of them obtain both, but every time it could have roused ethical issues. Those issues concern fairness, justice, rightness or wrongness; as a result it can only be resolved according to ethical standards. Setting the ethical standards for the way of doing business in corporation is primarily task of management. Corporations have to maintain the same standards as an individual person and,Read MoreEthics : Ethical And Ethical Values1591 Words   |  7 Pages1. What is ethics? How are ethical values formed? Can ethics be taught or changed? Explain why ethics are important to MIS. How do ethics relate to laws and to codes of conduct? What are Kohlberg’s Six Stages of Moral Development and how does that relate to ethics in MIS? Ethics is defined as the branch of philosophy that involves organizing, defending and endorsing the concepts of right and wrong behavior. Several factors contribute to the formation of ethical values of an individual including family

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Loyalty Of Loyalty And Loyalty - 922 Words

Loyalty Loyalty is something I take very seriously, because loyalty is everything, whether it’s a friendship, relationship or just trusting someone. Putting your trust in someone and being loyal to them is something that is hard to come by. The way I was brought up and the things that were taught to me are the things that built me to be the genuine, loyal and honest person I am today. Sometimes in life things get hard and you turn to others to talk to , vent to or rely on for comfort, but sometimes you have to be careful who you talk to and share information with because you never know who is trying to kick you when you are down. That’s where you have to take a look at your surroundings and ask yourself if the people you associate with and talk to be the people you can trust with your business. This is where the loyalty comes in, when you trust someone you have your guard down and I’ve experienced this first hand and if they are people you trust you should never worry about hearing your business from others. There came a time when I found myself alone and going through some tough things and I leaned on the people I could trust, or so I thought. I had just started my freshman year and I had two best friends that I was close with, Tory and Gabby. I trusted them with anything they had my back and I had theirs. Two weeks after school had started back up Tory had been talking to someone and had been telling all my business about my personal problems. I thought I could trustShow MoreRelatedLoyalty Between Loyalty And Loyalty1532 Words   |  7 PagesThe concept of loyalty comes in many different forms, and can also be defined in multiple ways by different types of people. On the other hand, loyalty can also be viewed as a virtue that may be hard to define at times. Loyalty is something that every living being has. A dog is loyal to his owner because they provide the dog with food, shelter, and love. A kid is loyal to their parents for keeping them alive and well. Even though loyalty can be t ested at times, the people who are there from the beginningRead MoreLoyalty, Loyalty And Compassion1391 Words   |  6 Pagesthis prompt. A few values that I consider important are as follows: loyalty, compassion, wisdom, and peace. I feel that these closely align with the social work values of service, dignity and worth of the person, and competence. (As listed in Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent pg. 472.) Loyalty and compassion are not things that are simply learned. They are something that everyone has inside of them whether they feel loyalty to a certain sports team, a brand name of clothes, or compassion forRead MoreLoyalty, Integrity, And Loyalty932 Words   |  4 PagesLoyalty can be defines as faithfulness or a devotion to a person, group, or a country. Along with loyalty, integrity can be defines as a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods and principles, shortly, being loyalty to the personal principles. From this point of view, integrity and loyalty have a connection. Most of the situation we face include not only integrity but also loyalty. For example, I was in the Turkish Naval High School, and it was a counselling course. The SuperintendentRead MoreLoyalty785 Words   |  4 PagesLoyalty is like a shadow it’s something that’s with you all of the time, but sometimes it’s hidden. Most people don’t show their loyalty hidden, but loy alty is something that’s not supposed to be hidden .To me loyalty is when someone is there for someone else. Loyalty is a characteristic many people should strive to have; it earns the trust and respect of many. A loyal person would never be able to fail someone because they are trustable. Loyalty is everywhere and there are many different kinds ofRead MoreCustomer Loyalty And Brand Loyalty Essay1555 Words   |  7 PagesThe term â€Å"Brand Loyalty† also called as â€Å"Customer Loyalty† has been in the business industry since a very long time as a model to be used in conducting business. But it wasn’t until the mid to late 1900’s that the term was actually given its due importance by making it a vital part of advertising and marketing. The concept of marketing evolved substantially from being focused on sales of a product to having Customer satisfaction to be its focal point. Studies further revealed that there was a positiveRead MoreCustomer Lo yalty And Employee Loyalty1404 Words   |  6 PagesCustomer loyalty plays a very vital role in an organization’s success or not always, is a very interesting debate. It has been suggested at several literature that loyal customer generates ongoing revenue and they also assist in generating profitable business income to any organization. At the same time research also suggests that there are other views available in relation to the concept of loyalty. The important factor to understand is weather those factors lead to long term business profitabilityRead MoreEmployee Loyalty3729 Words   |  15 PagesEMPLOYEE LOYALTY Methlife’s 10th annual survey of employee benefits, trends and attitudes, released in March, puts employee loyatlty at a 7-year low. The survey shows one in three employees plan to leave their job by the end of the year. According to a report conducted in 2011 by CareerbÄ ±, 76% of fulltime worker would leave their job if the right opportunity comes along, even tough they havent been actively seeking for a job. Other studies Show that each year the average company loseRead MoreLoyalty : Marie De France : The Allegory Of Loyalty1282 Words   |  6 PagesAllegory of Loyalty Werewolves a very well-known fantasy creature, who have been depicted as vicious beasts who will turn on their best friends. In the lay â€Å"Bisclavret† the stereotypes of werewolves is no different. Marie de France redefines the werewolf in a very courageous tale of a man and his loyalty. Bisclavret was a very loyal man regardless being werewolf or not. This was shown in multiple scenarios, such as the interaction with his and wife and with the King. The O.E.D. defines loyalty as â€Å"FaithfulRead MoreBrand Loyalty1335 Words   |  6 PagesBrand Loyalty One of the most desirable traits that marketers would like to see in the consumers they are positioning their product towards is loyalty to their brand. Brand loyalty can be defined as â€Å"the extent of the faithfulness of consumers to a particular brand, expressed through their repeat purchases, irrespective of the marketing pressure generated by the competing brands.† (Business Dictionary, 2012) An expression of brand loyalty from consumers can help companies to experience significantRead MoreBorders and Loyalties795 Words   |  4 Pagesthe circumstances. Adewale Maja-Pearce wrote â€Å"Loyalties† to show us that it doesn’t make a difference what heritage you are, life will still be the same. These two stories explore the concept of nationality and why it is or isn’t important. In these stories, the authors use the same techniques such as dialogue, setting and tone, yet they send completely different messages. The authors have different approaches when using dialogue. In â€Å"Loyalties†, Maja-Pearce uses dialogue to show that it doesn’t

Saturday, December 21, 2019

China s Economic Growth - 1321 Words

For many years China has been the leading economic power in the world, even surpassing the United States. Recently, the country has been hanging onto that title despite its weakening economy. China’s economic growth has been declining due to job losses and lack of manufacturing. However, there have been numerous attempts to fix this problem. According to an article in the New York Times, China has created a new world bank — despite skepticism about that idea by other nations including the United States – in order to maintain its global and free economy. China has been trying to maintain a free economy, an idea that would not have worked or even been conceivable during the time China was a communist state. There were many attempts to try†¦show more content†¦So far, China appears to be navigating the two extremes†¦ but China is hardly yielding control, raising concerns about where the bank will land on issues like climate change and labor rights... (Perlez, New York Times) This quote implies that the Chinese government is only creating a World Bank to make economic conditions in the country better and favor the majority or just out of the government’s own personal ambitions in terms of making the economy benefit themselves rather than the citizens. While it may seem like the World Bank is being created for both reasons, it raises concerns because the government isn’t mentioning what the World Bank will do to tackle the issues such as labor rights and the changing climates. Unless the government can do something to address these issues, the economy will not be able to get better and it will continue to decrease. This quote and circumstance not only speaks about the state of China, but it relates back to the mistakes that previous leaders made in terms of trying to revamp the economy in China. During the 1920s and early 1930s, then-leader Chiang Kai-shek was in power, but the economy was not in a very good state due to numerous circumstances and mistakes he made during his reign. Kai-shek sought to develop the economy in order to make his time in power last, but he had lacked a sense of devotion to bettering the economy as well as to the people of China. While Kai-shek was able to develop

Friday, December 13, 2019

Because I was first Adam Free Essays

Adam was the first human being to inhabit the earth; he had total authority over every living creature and was free to roam about The Garden of Eden as he pleased. As the story unfolds Eve is created as Adam’s counterpart and they are to live together as one. Many Christians believe that Eve was created inferior to Adam; therefore, man has the authority to rule the relationship. We will write a custom essay sample on Because I was first Adam or any similar topic only for you Order Now This is not the case – the following will show nature’s natural act of compensation. Men are habitual and as a woman having analyzed the opposite sex I’ve found at they are quite predictable. Men and the television – even though this topic is cliche, it’s always a great place to start. I’ve never known a man that didn’t like The Three Stooges. Curly, Mo and Larry – all three have their quirky habits. Within seconds, the man’s attention is drawn to the television and it stays until the movie’s end. To analyze – the storylines are simple, take little concentration and there’s no real point to the story. Women are drawn to the complicated stories with emotional and dramatic story lines – often called â€Å"chick flicks. † We are hoping for the happy ending because we understand how necessary it is to think positive and have an open mind. Thousands of years ago the world was far from discovered and what lied ahead for Adam and Eve was complicated, dramatic and required a positive outlook. Eve’s natural instinct to consider the details and the implications was necessary for the discovery of the world as we know it. Another commonality between males is the love for driving, of course if he takes a wrong turn or loses his way he will not admit it. In the male brain, it’s a sign of weakness to admit failure – it’s far more masculine to drive for hours making that dominant attempt to reach his destination. A woman takes the logical approach; she pulls into the nearest gas station and asks for directions. Looking back thousands of years, again the world was young and there were many miles to discover. Eve’s logical approach to the world was needed. Thousands of years later, we’re still discovering the world. Can you imagine where we would be if we didn’t have the female brain to stop and ask for directions? Men are dominant, they’re instinct is to challenge and conquer. Driving hundreds of miles in one stretch, Football and boxing attract a man’s attention because of that instinct. The female was created to look at the world through a different perspective. We look at the details, consider the implications of our actions and consider the emotional context of certain situations. Neither Adam or Eve were superior to the other, their thought processes were simply different. The male and female complete each other, which explain the necessity of two genders. How to cite Because I was first Adam, Papers